Non-Discrimination Statement and Foreign Language Access
Discrimination is Against the Law
We comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (consistent with the scope of sex discrimination under Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). We do not exclude people or treat them less favorably because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
We provide people with disabilities reasonable modifications and free appropriate auxiliary aids and services to communicate effectively with us, such as:
Qualified sign language interpreters
Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats).
We provide free language assistance services to people whose primary language is not English, which may include:
Qualified interpreters
Information written in other languages.
If you need reasonable modifications, appropriate auxiliary aids and services, or language assistance services, contact our Section 1557 Coordinator at 1-800-832-9686 or by emailing Section1557Coordinator@companionlife.com.
If you believe that we have failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance by emailing Section1557Coordinator@companionlife.com or by calling 1-800-832-9686. You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, email Section1557Coordinator@companionlife.com and assistance will be provided.
You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, or by mail or phone at:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201
1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)
Complaint forms are available at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html.
This notice is available at Companion Life’s website: https://www.companionlife.com.
Foreign Language Access
If you or someone you’re assisting is disabled and needs interpretation assistance, help is available at the contact number posted on our website or listed in the materials included with this notice (TDD: 711).
Free language interpretation support is available for those who cannot read or speak English by calling one of the appropriate numbers listed below.
Si usted, o alguien a quien usted está ayudando, tiene preguntas acerca de este plan de salud, tiene derecho a obtener ayuda e información en su idioma sin costo alguno. Para hablar con un intérprete, llame al 1-844-396- 0183. (Spanish)
如果您,或是您正在協助的對象,有關於本健康計畫方面的問題,您有權利免費以您的母語得到幫助和訊息。洽詢一位翻譯員,請撥 1-844-396-0188。(Chinese)
Nếu quý vị, hoặc là người mà quý vị đang giúp đỡ, có những câu hỏi quan tâm về chương trình sức khỏe này, quý vị sẽ được giúp đở với các thông tin bằng ngôn ngữ của quý vị miễn phí. Để nói chuyện với một thông dịch viên, xin gọi 1-844-389-4838 (Vietnamese)
이 건강보험에 관하여 궁금한 사항 혹은 질문이 있으시면 1-844-396-0187로 연락해 주십시오.
귀하의 비용 부담없이 한국어로 도와드립니다. (Korean)
Kung ikaw, o ang iyong tinutulungan, ay may mga katanungan tungkol sa planong pangkalusugang ito, may karapatan ka na makakuha ng tulong at impormasyon sa iyong wika nang walang gastos. Upang makausap ang isang tagasalin, tumawag sa 1-844-389-4839. (Tagalog)
Если у Вас или лица, которому вы помогаете, имеются вопросы по поводу Вашего плана медицинского обслуживания, то Вы имеете право на бесплатное получение помощи и информации на русском языке. Для разговора с переводчиком позвоните по телефону 1-844-389-4840. (Russian)
ﻠﻓدﯾك اﻟﺣق ﻓﻲ اﻟﺣﺻول ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻣﺳﺎﻋدة واﻟﻣﻌﻠوﻣﺎت
ﺔ اﻟﺻﺣﺔ ھذه،
نإﻛﺎن ﻟدﯾك أو ﻟدى ﺷﺧص ﺗﺳﺎﻋده أﺳﺋﻠﺔ ﺑﺧﺻوص
ﻟاﺿرورﯾﺔ ﺑﻠﻐﺗك ﻣن دون اﯾﺔ ﺗﻛﻠﻔﺔ.ﻠﻟﺗﺣدث ﻣﻊ ﻣﺗرﺟم اﺗﺻل ب 1-844-396-0189 (Arabic)
Si ou menm oswa yon moun w ap ede gen kesyon konsènan plan sante sa a, se dwa w pou resevwa asistans ak enfòmasyon nan lang ou pale a, san ou pa gen pou peye pou sa. Pou pale avèk yon entèprèt, rele nan 1-844-398-6232. (French/Haitian Creole)
Si vous, ou quelqu'un que vous êtes en train d’aider, avez des questions à propos de ce plan médical, vous avez le droit d'obtenir gratuitement de l'aide et des informations dans votre langue. Pour parler à un interprète, appelez le 1-844-396-0190. (French)
Jeśli Ty lub osoba, której pomagasz, macie pytania odnośnie planu ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego, masz prawo do uzyskania bezpłatnej informacji i pomocy we własnym języku. Aby porozmawiać z tłumaczem, zadzwoń pod numer 1-844-396-0186. (Polish)
Se você, ou alguém a quem você está ajudando, tem perguntas sobre este plano de saúde, você tem o direito de obter ajuda e informação em seu idioma e sem custos. Para falar com um intérprete, ligue para 1-844-396-0182. (Portuguese)
Se tu o qualcuno che stai aiutando avete domande su questo piano sanitario, hai il diritto di ottenere aiuto e informazioni nella tua lingua gratuitamente. Per parlare con un interprete, puoi chiamare 1-844-396-0184. (Italian)
あなた、またはあなたがお世話をされている方が、この健康保険 についてご質問がございましたら、ご希望の言語でサポートを受けたり、情報を入手したりすることができます。料金はかかりません。通訳とお話される場合、1-844-396-0185 までお電話ください。 (Japanese)
Falls Sie oder jemand, dem Sie helfen, Fragen zu diesem Krankenversicherungsplan haben bzw. hat, haben Sie das Recht, kostenlose Hilfe und Informationen in Ihrer Sprache zu erhalten. Um mit einem Dolmetscher zu sprechen, rufen Sie bitte die Nummer 1-844-396-0191 an. (German)
ﯽﺘﺷاﺪﮭﺑ یﮫﻣﺎﻧﺮﺑ ﻦﯾا ردیهرﺎﺑ ﯽﺗﻻاﺆﺳ ﺪﯿﻨﮐ ﮫﮐﮫﺑواﮏﻤﮐﯽﻣ ﺎﯾیدﺮﻓ ﺎﻤﺷ ﺮﮔا نﺎﮕﯾار ارﮫﺑرﻮﻃ دﻮﺧ ﮫﺑنﺎﺑز تﺎﻋﻼﻃا ﮫﮐﮏﻤﮐو ﺪﯾراد ﻖﺣﻦﯾاار ،ﺪﯿﺷﺎﺑ ﮫﺘﺷاد ﻞﺻﺎﺣ سﺎﻤﺗ 1-844-398-6233 ﺷﻤﺎرهی ﻟﻄﻔﺎً ﺑﺎ ﺑﺎ ﻣﺘﺮﺟﻢ، ﮐﺮدن ﺻﺤﺒﺖ ﺑﺮای ﮐﻨﯿﺪ. درﯾﺎﻓﺖ (Persian-Farsi) .
Ni da doodago t’11 h17da b7k1’an1 n7lwo’7g77 d77 B4eso !ch’33h naa’nil7gi h11’7da y7 na’ 7d7[ kidgo, nih1’1h00t’i’ nih7 k1’a’doo wo[go kwii ha’1t’7sh99 b7 na’7do[kid7gi doo bik’4’azl1ag00. Ata’ halne’4 [a’ bich’9’ ha desdzih n7n7zingo, koj8’ b44sh bee h0lne’ 1-844-516-6328. (Navajo)
Vann du adda ebbah es du am helfa bisht, ennichi questions hend veyyich deah health plan, hend diah's recht fa hilf un information greeya in eiyah aykni shprohch unni kosht. Fa shvetza mitt en interpreter, roof deah nummah oh 1-833-584-1829. (Pennsylvania Dutch)